I believe to be ____ or not to be ____ is the proper fill-in-the-blank that Hamlet implies. In other words Hamlet asks us, gentle reader, whether or not we want FEAR to exist as a primary motivator in our lives. So forget the question, let's skip to the implications:
To be a good student despite the social uncoolness attached to it, or not to be;
To be an applicant to a really tough university even though you may not get in, or not to be;
To be a voice of reason among your crowd of peers during weekend activities even though everyone else is doing it, or not to be;
To be reliable especially when you have miles to go before you sleep, or not to be;
To be proud of your accent, weight, beliefs, and fears even among the popular kids, or not to be;
To be something new even if you don't be it well, or easily, or if you fail at it miserably, or if it comes hard and with struggle, or you are the only person who takes pleasure in it or sees the value of it...
Or not to be.