Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's time to graduate, seniors!

To conclude, gentle reader, please continue. Onward and upward. With awe and excitement and whatever else you prefer. Just continue.

The single greatest lesson to extract from your years stationed at your English desk, like a grizzled Army Commando posted at a missile silo, is to respect the laws of inertia. You want to be an object in motion, because they tend to do stuff. Sometimes the stuff is ridiculous, and most of the time imperfect, but it is stuff. Your stuff. Gardner tells us that life is all conjunctions, one damn thing after another, a perpetual list of ands. Art deals in the subordinate, the because. But only about things that are doing. Like your stuff.

So go do your stuff.

In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and ---.

There is nothing either good or bad but ---.

Make it a great day or not, the choice ---.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be ---.

That which we are, we ---.

And so we beat on, boats against the ---.

Have a great summer, and then a great fall, and then a great winter.

And then.

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